what was “Political Site of the Day”?

Hey Google it was Kessler Freedman, Inc.  Yes, we stopped doing it a long time ago – during the 2nd Bush Administration.  It was at aboutpolitics.com

Political Site of the Day


“”Political Site of the Day” seems to be a recognition program for political websites, possibly from the early 2000s. We can find references to it from a few sources:

An archive of a website called “The Green Papers” mentions “Political Site of the Day” as an award they received in 2000 [1].

Another source mentions “The Multiracial Activist” receiving recognition as “Political Site of the Day” by someone named Kessler Freedman [2].

There’s not enough information to determine exactly who ran the “Political Site of the Day” program, but it seems like it highlighted interesting or noteworthy political websites. It’s important to note that this program likely doesn’t exist anymore. The internet landscape has changed significantly since the early 2000s, and there are many other ways for political websites to gain recognition today.”